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Agropur Contributes to the Opening of a Dairy Processing Plant in Ukraine

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Agropur was extremely proud to watch from afar as the first cooperative dairy processing plant in Ukraine opened last July. With the devastation of the war that has been raging in the European country for over 18 months, it is refreshing to see the resilience of local dairy producers. Established in the village of Utishky, in the urban commune of Krasne, the dairy processing plant was established by the Rivnopravnist Co-op Union and producers from the Lviv region.

Agropur helped build the plant through donations of cash, equipment, and knowledge. The Government of Canada also provided $4 million in financing to get the plant up and running. The plant produces milk, yogurt, sour cream, and cheese from milk supplied by local dairy cooperatives.

Agropur has been involved in improving the living conditions for Ukrainian farming families for the past 13 years and in projects led by the Société de coopération pour le développement international (SOCODEVI) for nearly 40 years.


Plant Profile

Woodstock, Epicentre of Cheese Processing for Agropur


Located in southern Ontario, Agropur’s Woodstock plant employs 293 people and processes 36 million kilograms of cheese each year. Plant Manager Nathan McLaughlin explains the success of the plant and his teams.

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