United for better dairy and a better world

Many things have changed for Agropur’s dairy farmer members and employees over the last 40 years but one thing hasn’t: their quest for better dairy – for dairy products that not only taste better but are better for the community and for the planet.
That quest has led them to continuously innovate and improve their processes.
Their love of nature makes them treat animals with respect. They know that better milk comes from well-treated animals.
And their cooperative values inspire them to work together toward a shared goal: better dairy for a better world.
All this is reflected in Agropur’s new promise: “Better dairy. Better world.”
The video produced for the launch of our new brand positioning introduces viewers to the Rodrigue family from Saint-Anaclet. They have been dairy farmers for generations. They use innovative technologies but they remain down-to-earth and dedicated to the well-being of their animals. The Rodrigues are proud of the quality of the milk they produce and determined to leave a legacy for future generations.
Agropur’s research and development team is also focused on innovation. In fact, our Minnesota team recently won a prestigious award for its cutting-edge glycomacropeptide (GMP) extraction process. The new process produces a highly pure GMP with significant potential for health and hygiene products as well as for specialty foods.
Everyone involved in Agropur shares a common conviction: they are there to serve the interests of the community. Their work is part of a sharing economy: the fruits of Agropour’s milk processing operations are redistributed to the members in the form of patronage dividends – $369 million over the past five years. The Cooperative also allocates approximately 1% of its earnings before patronage dividends and taxes to donations and sponsorships.
Watch our video
See the pride that drives our people to bring out the best in milk: