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Natrel Plus Milk: At the Service of the Health of Our Seniors

Marie-Josée Létourneau, Directrice Marketing, Innovation & Développement de produits - Produits frais chez Agropur, a présenté le lait Natrel Plus à l’occasion du lancement de NutriAGES le 15 mars dernier aux Demeures Sainte-Croix, à Montréal.

At the NutriAGES launch on March 15, Marie-Josée Létourneau, Agropur Director of Marketing, Innovation & Product Development – Fresh Products, tells the Demeures Sainte-Croix audience in Montreal about Natrel Plus milk.

It’s a well-known fact that milk is a healthy and affordable nutritional product for all ages. And that a key focus of both Agropur’s community outreach and its product development is health.

So it makes perfect sense that the Cooperative agreed to take part in Fondation AGES’s NutriAGES pilot project. This Quebec social geriatrics organization provides local services that restore and maintain the autonomy of seniors whose health is in decline. Fondation AGES also has objectives of awareness and innovation to deal with the challenges of aging and seniors’ quality of life.

Enter Natrel Plus

As part of NutriAGES, Agropur has agreed to provide one two-litre carton of Natrel Plus milk every week to 150 seniors living in different regions of Quebec, in particular Montreal, Laval, Quebec City, and Lac-Mégantic, for a three-month duration.

Since its launch in January 2020, Natrel Plus milk has quickly become the leading protein-enriched milk in Quebec. Natrel Plus products contain 18 grams of protein per 250 ml portion, double that of traditional milk and 18 times more than certain plant-based beverages. 

The objective of the NutriAGES project is to counteract undernutrition in seniors by distributing, among other products, Natrel Plus protein-enriched milk. According to Fondation AGES, seniors’ protein needs are greater than those of younger adults. Once the three-month pilot period is over, the participants’ weight and health assessments will be compared to the figures recorded at the start. Their energy level over the period will also be evaluated. 

With its participation in the project, Agropur is seeking to increase seniors’ protein intake and document the effects on their health. The initiative is wholly consistent with the Cooperative’s objectives for Natrel Plus. Agropur will have access to the project’s results to enhance its knowledge of the product’s impact.

Le Devoir featured the NutriAGES project in a report on April 17. You can read it here (French only).