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Agropur's 85th Anniversary

2- Quiz

Agropur celebrates its 85th anniversary: how well do you know your Cooperative?

Agropur celebrated its 85th anniversary on August 24, 2023. Our members came together in 1938 to meet common needs and improve living conditions. Founded in Granby by 87 dairy farmers, Agropur has risen to the top of Canada’s dairy cooperatives to become one of the largest dairy processors in the world.

How well do you know your Cooperative?

On the occasion of this important anniversary, test your knowledge and recall some of the key milestones in our success story.

  1. What was Agropur’s original name when it was founded in 1938?
  1. Regroupement agricole de Granby
  2. Société coopérative agricole du canton de Granby
  3. Coopérative du canton de Granby


  1. What were the producers’ main goals in founding the Cooperative?
  1. To create an organization to market their grain and provide supplies for their farms.
  2. To process their milk and supply quality dairy products to consumers.
  3. To establish a social club and discover new products.


  1. A large increase in membership led to the creation of what original communication structure in 1949?
  1. The board of directors
  2. The management committee
  3. The facilitators’ network


  1. The Second World War gave rise to a great need for agricultural products, prompting Agropur to open internationally. Which products produced by the Cooperative were in high demand on the markets?
  1. Butter and cheese
  2. Butter and casein
  3. Table milk and cheese


  1. In 1956, Agropur entered into the largest agreement in its history to manufacture and supply cheese. This agreement paved the way for our business model, which today is based on private labels, food service establishments and industrial clients. What was the name of our partner?
  1. Kraft
  2. Nestlé
  3. Sargento


  1. Agropur has long understood that sustainability in the dairy industry is based on uniting the forces of cooperatives. In its history, how many mergers and acquisitions has the Cooperative made?
  1. Between 100 and 140
  2. Between 140 and 180
  3. Over 180


  1. In what year did Agropur decide, after a brainstorming session among its members, to accelerate growth in the United States, to the point where it is now one of the largest cheese and ingredients producers in the country?
  1. 2005
  2. 2008
  3. 2011


  1. In 2022, the Cooperative developed an innovative pilot project for members called Sustainable Farms, which had two main components. What were they?
  1. Ecology and sustainable development
  2. GHG reductions and hygiene
  3. Environment and animal welfare


  1. Agropur’s success is the result of collective hard work since 1938 and has been made possible thanks to five fundamental values that guide the actions of its members and employees, which are: Integrity, Communication, Collaboration, and…
  1. Boldness and Excellence
  2. Innovation and Sharing
  3. Creativity and Energy


  1. How many billions of litres of milk are now processed by the Cooperative each year?
  1. 5.4 billion
  2. 6.1 billion
  3. 6.7 billion



1) 2: On the initiative of agronomist Alpha Mondou and farmer Omer Deslauriers, 87 farmers joined forces to create the Société coopérative agricole du canton de Granby. In response to the decade-long economic crisis, they were convinced that there was strength in unity. Omer Deslauriers became the first president of the Cooperative’s board of directors.

2) 1: At the beginning, the Cooperative focused on supplies and services for farms: seed, milling, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, hardware, live animal sales and hatcheries. Two years later, in 1941, it began processing milk. From very modest beginnings as a producer association and economic organization, the Cooperative very quickly developed into the success it is today.

3) 3: At that time, the facilitators represented 10 members each and ensured communication between management and members. They communicated board decisions, the latest news in the dairy industry and market trends. Conversely, they informed board members of members’ needs and suggestions.

4) 2: Casein is a protein that helps make milk smooth and creamy. During the war, casein also had some industrial uses such as glue, paint, buttons, and other household products.

5) 1: With this agreement, Agropur resumed cheese production, which had been suspended during the war. This was a key event for its future and is considered one of the most important milestones in the entire history of Agropur.

6) 2: Throughout its history, Agropur realized that it could compete with any other player if it took on a larger role in the industry. Today, Agropur is the result of 150 acquisitions and mergers. Based on the values of solidarity, democracy and responsibility, Agropur continues to focus on cooperation to continue its growth.

7) 2: Agropur set foot in the United States in 2002, following a brainstorming process with members in 1998 and 2002, during which the members expressed support for the Cooperative’s North American development. However, it wasn’t until 2008 that the Cooperative stepped on the gas and expanded its operations south of the border. Agropur is now one of the largest cheese and ingredients producers in the U.S., with seven plants and 1,940 employees.

8) 3: All our efforts towards more sustainable dairy production start at the very source of our industry. Sustainable Farms is designed to create a collaborative process between the Cooperative and its members to meet the needs of our customers and consumers, particularly in terms of animal welfare and environmental performance.

9) 1: Agropur’s success is not an accident, but the result of our collective hard work, inspired by the values of cooperation. Demonstrating courage and creativity in a constantly changing world (Boldness) and transcending the rest to be the best (Excellence) are two of Agropur’s fundamental values. Acting diligently and honestly (Integrity), sharing information to ensure informed decisions (Communication) and working together in a spirit of trust and cooperation (Collaboration) complete the five values.

10) 3: In 2022, the volume of milk processed by our plants was 6.7 billion litres. Of this, 82% was processed into cheese, ingredients and butter, while 18% went into fresh dairy products.